Posts labeled with Country ' Australia'
The 2 flight, cross country journey was the easy part of the trip. Above, mesas and canyons of Northern New Mexico.
The High Sierras south of Tahoe.
Across The Pacific.
For adventures in Australia, CLICK HERE
This morning ArcticTropic departs Miami for Sydney, Australia, a 10,016 mile ( 16260 km ) journey via Houston and San Francisco. Tonight’s SFO-SYD flight is 15 hours , leaving at 10:35 PM PST and arriving in Sydney at 8:35 AM Thursday morning.
For adventures in Australia, CLICK HERE
ArcticTropic is now planning 2015 journeys. Three trips are shown here. The first , in February is to Southeastern Australia. The longest flight will be from San Francisco to Sydney – about 15 hours. In March – off to the Polar Regions of Iceland. September – Puerto Varas in Chilean Patagonia for the ATTA Summit. Several other ventures are in planning stage.