Ohio Bound Adventure
They always say travel when you’re young, and rarely do young people actually get that luxury. But in a stunning turn of events that was changing as I had taken on a new journey away from my warm little home. Early morning of July 1st, I was taking on a more domestic adventure of traveling to Marion, OH with my partner, no less. At first, we genuinely had never heard of this destination, but it was something new and it definitely wasn’t Florida living.

The first portion of the trip was definitely a stretch, Florida an unforgiving mistress as she caused a bit of a detour and led us to stopping in Ocala, FL definitely a fun place to “horse” around.
Now, if you have never gone to Ocala that little joke would have flown completely over you, but this lovely little town is a prominent horse town with gorgeous horses commonly walking the street or even where being a horse groomer is a high demand job.
After taking a short rest stop with a friend of my mothers, I set back off with my partner and this time choosing to drive at night despite warnings to get my next stop over in Atlanta where my family was celebrating 4th of July.
From there we were going back on the road with music blaring, the mountains greeting us soon enough and making even my eyes widen at truly seeing how majestic they could be with the fog rolling in from the early morning.

With a brief stop to rest in Powell, Tennessee, we got to see the sun rise and hear the early morning chirping of the birds. But all calm must end, as we drove through a rather rough time with rain showers, and trucks surrounding us from every angle. But eventually we made our way to Lexington, Kentucky where I got to see my little sister.

Finally with almost a grand entrance we made it into Ohio, our first city to pass being that of Cincinnati, green and lush just as expected but congested the entire way in. Definitely a bit of a bummer but that was soon fixed with a bit of gusto and maneuvering through traffic and we were soon blazing the rest of the trail. Directly to our final destination home of the Harding Memorial.

A five day journey came to an end but we were greeted by my brother and his current girlfriend and we couldn’t have had a better trip!